A New Year, A New Thing

HAPPY 2021!

See, I Am doing a NEW THING!
    Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I Am making a way in the wilderness
    and streams in the wasteland. (Isaiah 43:19)

We have been sharing our daily Bible study and One Thing from our SOAP journaling on this website since 2014. This last year has really done a great job of shaking things up. Maybe you’ve learned a similar lesson that we can become lukewarm, complacent, or comfortable in our patterns and plans and miss out on His transformative power and purpose. But now He’s doing a New Thing. In this new season, our daily posts will end here, but our daily time at the feet of Jesus hopefully will not. If you need a reading plan to stay in His Word daily, there are many available in our Archives and at discoveronething.wordpress.com. Take hold of this New Thing, seek God in it, ask Him what He’s asking of you, and follow Him boldly! God bless you in your journey!