February 18 – Chronological Life of Jesus Day 35

Lent starts today, and through this study, we are preparing our hearts for the greatest gift of all right alongside Jesus. Just 40 days until we’re celebrating our risen Savior!



READ: Matthew 17


Verses 1-9 tell Matthew’s account of the transfiguration of Jesus. Matthew was one of Jesus’ apostles, but he wasn’t invited up on the mountain, so his account is second-hand from one of the apostles who witnessed it–Peter, James or John, though we’re not sure which one.  Surprisingly, John, who was a witness, did not share his account of the transfiguration in his gospel, but guess who did share his firsthand experience on that mountain, though not in a gospel. Check out 2 Peter 1:16-18. No, we are not following “cleverly invented stories”. Rather, we are following the One and Only Son of God. Who needs a human testimony to Jesus being the Son of God, when God in all His glory gives us a glimpse into His awesomeness and clearly states, “This is My Son.”

Why did Moses and Elijah appear on the mountain talking to Jesus? I wonder if God was also introducing His Son, the Messiah, to them. These guys obviously had historic significance during a period of history when the world was waiting on a Savior. Maybe it was important for these apostles to see these historic figures along with Jesus to help them connect the dots of law and prophecy in the Old Testament to the proclaimed Son of God standing and walking with them who is the Messiah the Old Testament had been waiting for. Jesus tells his apostles in verse 9 not to tell anyone about what they saw on the mountain until he is raised from the dead. At the time, I’m sure they had no idea what that was supposed to mean. But after Jesus’ resurrection, as the apostles and disciples and first church started spreading the Good News, the message focused exactly on connecting the dots for the Jews that Jesus is the promised Messiah of the Old Testament.

With this being tax season, verses 24-27 are quite timely. Jesus’ conversation with Peter over taxes acknowledges that taxes can be unfair, but we should pay our taxes “so that we may not offend them.” Jesus was careful not to break the law so that he would go on trial before the government leaders as a completely innocent man. At this time, they were trying so hard to catch him doing something wrong so they could arrest him and stop him from gaining followers. Remember, they thought his goal was to incite a political revolution and become an earthly king; they couldn’t even fathom his real goal. Jesus made a decision that his actions would not provide fuel for their fire. As Christians, we should be witnesses through our everyday actions, including obeying government laws, as long as they don’t go against God. If our actions show that we think we’re above the law, then our reputation as Christians will suffer and point others away from The Way.


God is awesome!


God, sometimes when I meet with You, I feel Your love and light shining down on me, and it often lights and lightens the rest of my day. Your power, glory, and majesty are unfathomable and unimaginable and are so much greater than anything I can see, feel, taste, touch, or smell. You encompass everything, in, around, throughout, You are there! I believe that Jesus is Your Son and our Messiah, and I thank You for choosing me to believe. I pray through the rest of this study and even my life for a deeper following of Jesus. Show me the Way and grow me ever closer to You!

Posted on February 18, 2015, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. It is so interesting that today is about the transfiguration because I felt Jesus in me so strongly yesterday, it was amazing. I was in the VA hospital yesterday for 8 hours to support my mom while my stepdad had a surgery on his neck to remove thyroid cancer. The doctor told my mom to expect a call at 2:00 when the surgery would be complete and he didn’t call until after 3:00. My mom was scared and panicked. I was so glad God put me there to help keep her calm. Then when we got to see Ron at 6:00pm he has an incision on his neck about 9 inches long. This 6’3″ burly, strong, energetic man looks like his head was almost chopped off with a sword. I’ve never felt so much compassion in my life. My heart just melted at the suffering and excruciating pain he is experiencing. In my less than holy days, I remember being afraid of suffering and just preserving myself to not be able to think of it. I just really felt Jesus in a whole new way yesterday because he does not shrink in the face of suffering. He is compassionate and full of love and grace and mercy. Our suffering is not too much for him to hug us and touch us and love us fully! I think the arguments that my family experienced last month just really helped prepare me to draw strength from The Lord and not put expectations on my parents. When people draw love and strength from The Lord it is supernaturally strong and sufficient and transcending. When we draw love from other people without the Lord, it is weak and burdensome, and never enough. I am so thankful for the opportunity yesterday to be able to draw my strength and love from The Lord and have an abundance of compassion to shower Christs love on others!


  2. Holly, your heart is so precious and it is vastly encompassed with people – it beams and I love it! I am so appreciative to be doing this walk of life with you. I know by your strong words you were able to show (I’m sure more people than just your parents) who your solid rock is, all the light from above and within, and all in his strength. Considering this storm, which I can only imagine the emotions you were experiencing, but how exciting, your words are so encouraging. What a blessing in more ways than one, thank you for sharing. I will be praying for comfort, healing and the continuing of transfiguration. I love you.


  3. My awesome God, whose arms are full of love and comfort and healing, please wrap Your strength around Holly’s family. I pray for healing and recovery for Ron and that he and Janet would see and feel how wide and long and high and deep is Your love. I pray for strength for Holly and the presence of the Your Spirit to continue serving You and making Your love shown through her actions. I pray for these things in the name of Jesus our Savior!

    Holly, we will continue to support you and your parents in prayer and are here to help in other ways too!


  4. Becky, you can’t think I am a dork, but your post today made me even more appreciate of you. As silly as it is…it’s your EYES THAT SAW, that Elijah and Moses were on the mountain. There they were, standing and talking to Jesus, that’s big stuff. We are talking about two significant figures, that in a sense fell off the face of the earth and here they were! I’ve heard and read all of the accounts, in fact multiple times and completely missed it. Oopsie.
    I’m going to say, the best part about this study with learning new things and sharing about the bible; I get to do this study not only right along Jesus, but you. I don’t say this enough, but I look forward to your post, the insight, feeling your spirit and encouragement – You do shine and you shine so brightly. I’m more than blessed to get to see that light and call you my friend, thank you for your light and the light you are to others!
    Woo hoo – and homeward stretch on to celebrating our risen Lord!


  5. I felt the power of that prayer! Amen!


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